

North Carolina Custom Modulars as a retail location offers customers a one-year warranty. This is a 30-day cosmetic warranty, which means when we do our walk through any cometic defects noticed during the first 30 days of being in your home we will take care of. We also offer a 1-year structural warranty.

Each of North Carolina Custom Modulars Manufacturers offer different types of warranties:

R’Anell Homes offers a 30-day cosmetic warranty and a 1 year structural warranty. After your one-year R’Anell offers customers a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty, a 10-year Structural Home Warranty for your Modular Home. A 2-10 warranty provides home coverage for R’Anell Homes. They’ve covered over 6 million homes and payout on 97.5% of claims. Owners of R’Anell Modulars can be at peace in the knowledge that their home is protected for a full 10 years.

Champion Homes offers a 7-year warranty. During the 1st year they offer a 30-day cosmetic warranty and a 1-year structural warranty. Years 2-7 is administered through. A home warranty company with a $50 deductible covers home structure, electrical, plumbing, appliances HVAC, water heater and washer and dryer with same exclusions. You will receive all this information at the time of closing.

Holmes Building Services offers a 30-day cosmetic warranty and a 1-year structural warranty.

In your new home package, you will also find separate warranties for your appliances, roof shingles and other components in your home.

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Contact us today for more information on all North Carolina Custom
Modulars warranties.